Monday, July 25, 2011

How Kids Can Make The Earth Green Ebook By: Alida Cardo and Aleli Cardo-Clarens

Based on several Science conversations and conversations of the Environment I wrote the e-book. Its based on Aleli's comments on how kids can impact the Earth and make it more Green.  Here is a link to the ebook :

This is a great Science Home School resource to get ideas on how to get kids motivated about their environment.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday 7/22

Spanish - Review Flash Cards, Read Story to Aleli in Spanish. She practiced speaking in Spanish.
Math - She reviewed money and change. She can count money and change. She did artwork.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Money Math Summer Worksheet

Summer Home School Review

Summer Home Schooling Activities: Aleli has been reviewing Phonics, Math. She has been drawing, learning about sewing and cooking. She has been learning about eating healthy and cooking healthy foods. She is learning about Vitamins. I have been reading her the American Girl Book Series. Today she has been learning about Observing an Ant. What does an Ant do. Why. She has also been practicing her Spanish skills. She is learning to speak 1/2 of the time just in Spanish and write in Spanish.  So I'm home schooling more in a more bilingual focus.
She has been learning about pets and taking care of pets. She has been learning how chickens hatch or kittens are born.Many home school activities.

Phonics Review 7/20

Phonics Summer Review

Summer Home School: Math

Aleli is reviewing this Summer her Math skills. She is doing Addition and Subtraction. She is doing "Seperating Problem Solving" worksheets.