Friday, November 19, 2010

Aleli's Progress on Dream Box - Math

Aleli’s Progress in the DreamBox Curriculum Curriculum Details The DreamBox Learning curriculum simultaneously develops computational fluency, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving ability. Unlike most learning programs, DreamBox students can choose from several lessons at a time. And because they may be progressing more quickly within one curriculum category than another, children may actually make progress in more than 1 grade level concurrently.

Curriculum CategoryKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade
Place Value
Problem Solving Certain games in DreamBox are specifically designed to support the development of problem solving skills. Students learn to adapt their strategies as the parameters of the game change. All students begin at the first level regardless of their current grade, and don’t skip any game levels.

Quick Stats A few highlights of your child's academic and story progress.

Lessons Completed
Stories Completed
Tokens in Piggy Bank
Total Tokens Earned
Adventure Friends
Carnival Rewards
Lesson_presumed_passed Presumed passed DreamBox skipped your child past these lessons because of presumed proficiency based on grade level. Lesson_skipped Passed in placement DreamBox skipped your child past these lessons based on demonstrated proficiency in the placement lesson. Lesson_completed Completed curriculum Your child has completed these lessons in the DreamBox curriculum. Lesson_to_come Pending assessment Your child has not yet passed the assessment or completed this group of lessons in the DreamBox curriculum.

What’s Aleli learning now?

Aleli is building amounts up to 100 in units of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 where the initial amount is shown as a set and a numeral, and then is being asked to recognize these numbers at a glance (this is called subitizing).

Curriculum Completion What’s a curriculum topic? A set of related units that correlate to the major instructional goals in the curriculum.  What’s a module? A unit is a set of lessons that teach a specific concept or skill.

Grade LevelCurriculum Topic/UnitPercent Completed
Kindergarten Comparisons & Ordering 100% Completed
Counting 100% Completed
Addition & Subtraction 100% Completed
Problem Solving 50% Completed
1st Grade Counting 87% Completed
Build up to 20 Optimally
Students build and identify numbers from static and flashed sets of 1 to 20 objects, using the least number of mouse clicks.
100% Completed curriculum
Build up to 50 Optimally
Students build and identify numbers from static and flashed sets of 1 to 50 objects, using the least number of mouse clicks.
100% Passed in placement
Build up to 100 Optimally
Students build and identify numbers from static and flashed sets of 1 to 100 objects, using the least number of mouse clicks.
63% Completed curriculum
Addition & Subtraction
Pending Assessment
Comparisons & Ordering 3% Completed
Identify More & Less up to 100
Students compare sets of 1 to 100 objects and identify which is more or less.
Pending Assessment
Counting Forward & Backward
Students place numbers in a row of the hundreds chart when given two numbers.
50% Passed in placement
Build Columns of a Hundreds Chart
Students identify vertical patterns of the hundreds chart by placing numbers in one or more columns.
Pending Assessment
Moving on a Hundreds Chart
Students identify the number on the hundreds chart that is 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, or 11 away from a starting number.
Pending Assessment
Comparison Symbols
Students compare sets of objects and numbers from 1 to 100 and make true equations using the greater than (>), less than (<), or equal (=) symbols.
Pending Assessment
Place Value
Pending Assessment
Problem Solving 85% Completed
Problem Solving (1)
Students develop problem solving skills with our math puzzles. Grade one puzzles include Dunk Tank, The Petting Zoo (levels 4-6), and Frog Race (levels 1-2).
85% Completed curriculum

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